What we do
Sarah’s Inn provides comprehensive services for families affected by domestic violence so that they get the support they need to find safety, rebuild their lives, and heal.
We provide holistic intervention services to adults and children impacted by domestic violence, providing them necessary supports and resources, and a safe environment to process and heal from the trauma they have experienced.
Our legal support services help ensure that survivors of domestic violence receive equal rights and protection under the law.
Working in partnership with local stakeholders, we run education and training programs to promote an appropriate community response to violence.
Sarah’s Inn is a community leader in educating children and adolescents about how to cultivate healthy relationships to prevent future violence from occurring.

Our Partner Abuse Intervention Program (PAIP) works with individuals who are ready to change their violent and controlling behavior choices in a community of honesty and accountability.
Our Impact
high school youth
received violence prevention education
middle school students
received cyber-safety and anti-bullying training
of domestic violence received free advocacy and counseling services
children and teens
of domestic violence were assisted by our legal advocates with an over 90% success rate.
of domestic violence were assisted by our legal advocates with an over 90% success rate.
Hours of Service
were contributed by volunteer advocates and interns who received training at Sarah’s Inn, providing valuable support to all program areas.
were provided with domestic violence education and training
Support & Crisis Intervention
Adult Survivors of Domestic Violence
The Sarah’s Inn 24-hour crisis line is a free and confidential resource for safety planning.
Children and Teens
Group activities and counseling at Sarah’s Inn change the course of children’s lives, helping them heal from the trauma and teaching them skills for expressing emotions in healthy ways.
Our Service Area
Sarah’s Inn currently provides services to the West Side of Chicago and 22 West Suburban communities.
Legal Advocacy
We help individuals affected by domestic violence navigate complex legal systems to ensure their protection under the law.
Men Who Abuse
We help to stop patterns of violence in relationships by counseling individuals Participation is a combination of voluntary and court mandated.
Violence Prevention & Youth Committee
The Together Strong Project was created by Sarah’s Inn to prevent relationship violence by teaching youth about the impact their choices can have on society, giving them the tools to lead healthy lives, and empowering them to make a difference in their community. We work with adolescents, educators and parents through school based violence prevention education programming, providing critical information on building healthy relationships and how to get help, if necessary.
Through Sarah’s Inn’s Together Strong Project we work in partnership with parents, educators and adolescents through school-based violence prevention education programming, providing critical information for adults and students on how to prevent relationship violence, how to protect themselves against potential harassment, and how to seek help if they are a victim of violence or abuse.
All of our prevention programming aligns with the Illinois Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) standards, and promotes anti-bullying and healthy relationship development.
For more information, or to inquire about violence prevention presentations and classes, please contact Chidori Lively, Prevention Program Supervisor at Chidoril@sarahsinn.org or 708-386-3305 x1027.
Education & Training
As a source of community expertise on relationship violence issues, Sarah's Inn regularly offers community and professional trainings and educational sessions.

Our Certifications
Sarah’s Inn is certified through the Illinois Certified Domestic Violence Professionals (ICDVP) Board as an official training site for Illinois Certified Domestic Violence Professionals and Illinois Certified Partner Abuse Intervention Professionals. ICDVP CEUs are available at qualified trainings.
Sarah’s Inn is certified through the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation to provide social work and counseling CEU’s for qualified trainings.

Specialized Training for Professionals
and Community Groups
Sarah’s Inn is pleased to be able to offer a wide array of consulting and training services to local businesses, community organizations, law enforcement, healthcare professionals, social service providers, and faith communities. Our goal in partnering with professional and community partners is to train a network of skilled advocates to assist in supporting victims and their families, as well as to give our partners the tools to help prevent violence and make an impact in their communities.
All of our consultation and training services can be customized to meet the individual needs of each organization, entity and/or community.
- Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Domestic Violence in the Workplace
- Victim Economic Safety & Security Act (VESSA): What Employers Need to Know
- The Role of Healthcare Providers in Assessment and Referral
- The Role of Educators in Prevention of Domestic Violence
- Addressing Domestic Violence in Social Work Practice
- Domestic Violence and Risk Factors for Mental Health Issues
- Child Welfare and Domestic Violence
- Immigration and Domestic Violence
- Home Visiting and Domestic Violence
- Trauma and Children Witnesses
- Partner Abuse Intervention Best Practices
- Healthy Relationships
- The Role of media and dating violence
- Talking to your teen about dating violence
- Healthy Co-parenting with a Perpetrator of Domestic Violence
To learn more about how Sarah's Inn can equip your employees or community group to respond to violence, please contact: Colleen Sutkus, Director of Training and Education, at 708-386-3305 x1026 or csutkus@sarahsinn.org.

Domestic Violence Advocacy Training (DVAT) for Volunteers
We offer Domestic Violence Advocacy Training (DVAT) three times each year to Sarah’s Inn volunteers who want to work directly with clients and increase their knowledge of domestic violence issues. Participants who complete the 40-hour training are certified as domestic violence advocates in the State of Illinois.
This interactive training utilizes group discussions, role playing, and experiential learning activities to increase understanding. Topics covered include: crisis counseling, anti-racism, cultural awareness, the effects of domestic violence on children, mandated reporting, teen dating violence, legal issues and domestic violence, elder abuse, sexual assault, and a variety of other topics.

Partner Abuse Intervention Program
(PAIP) Facilitator Training
We offer the Partner Abuse Intervention Program Facilitator Training (20-Hours three times per year. The PAIP Facilitator Training provides individuals with the essential skills and tools necessary to facilitate partner abuse intervention groups, reviews the Illinois Partner Abuse Protocol, and teaches best practices for group co-facilitation.
- Learning Objectives:
- Comprehend the key objectives of the Illinois Department of Human Services Protocol
- Demonstrate an understanding of essential PAIP curriculum components
- Exhibit an understanding of an effective group process with appropriate co-facilitation skills
- Understand and gain the tools to engage with difficult participants
- Be familiar with PAIP Program Requirements and Reporting
Target Audience for PAIP Facilitator Training: Professionals who work with, or intend to work with, perpetrators of domestic violence.
Social Work, ICDVP, and CPAIP CEUs are available.
Sarah’s Inn is a certified training provider for the 20-Hour PAIP Facilitator Training through the Illinois Certified Domestic Violence Professionals Board.
Looking to enroll and/or for more info please call (708) 386-3305 x 1010. Service Providers with referrals please call x 1009.