Together we mourn Adam Toledo

Sarah’s Inn’s extends our deepest condolences to 13-year old Adam Toledo’s family, and to our neighbors and partners in Little Village and the LatinX community in Chicago. We recognize the chronic pain, anger, sadness and trauma they experience from systemic racism and the inequities that have led to the intolerable and senseless death of Adam and far too many others in our community. Sarah’s Inn is unwavering in our collaborative work in Little Village with Taller de Jose, Latin Progresando and others committed to ending violence, and we are here to listen and to serve.


Domestic violence impacts everyone across our communities, regardless of race, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation or economic status, though we know that all forms of violence and oppression are interconnected, and we cannot work to end domestic violence without dismantling the systemic and structural oppression that underlies all forms of violence.


We are committed to creating safe homes and safe communities for all victims of domestic violence and their families, and we embrace the difficult and challenging work ahead, in partnership with those of historically marginalized communities, to ensure their voices are heard and their screams for injustice are met with compassion and transformational change.


Sarah’s Inn will continue to dig deep as we pave a path forward for anti-racism and inclusion, and we call upon you to actively listen, to be compassionate, to understand and to take action to create a world where everyone is valued, supported and embraced. We have much work that is ahead of us, though we are confident that together, we can reshape the world in which we live. We are, Together Strong.


In solidarity,

Carol Gall, MA, ICDVP
Executive Director

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